In the bustling city of New York, Greg, a young aspiring painter, found himself feeling disenchanted with the world's lack of vibrancy. Despite his lifelong passion for painting, he sensed a growing dullness in his su...
In the sun-scorched state of Kentucky, there lived a nerdy high schooler named Emma. On the other hand, the popular girl in her class Samantha was the opposite - extraverted and cheerful though not very interested in ...
I mewed, deperately, at all the humans that passed by. None of them recognised my existence, except for a few that simply turned their heads to glance, before leaving. I sorrowfully cuddled up in a nearby corner, my f...
In the corporate and capitalistic world of "Sweetville". Which was not fitting for its name, pollution and litter flooded the area, every factory was producing lots of smog, oil was filling up the nearby rivers, and p...
Henry was living with his parents in a tiny wooden house surrounded with nature. Henry was unfortunately poor and his parents didn't have enough money to send him to school. Day and night, Henry would look down at t...
"Timothy, wait up!" yelled Dave Gilbert as he pedalled down the footpath through Loders Creek Park. The crooked trees seemed to lunge forwards as the crisp Autumn air blew through canopies of the bark-less eucalyptus ...
I was bawling my eyes out, somebody had just robbed me. It felt like the world had literally ended on me. I slowly trutted along the pathways of New York and lay down with a cardboard box, my only remaining possessio...
I looked out the window. A nice sunny day on a winter morning was indeed very strange, but I took advantage of it and decided to get ready to walk my dog. In the winter, he ever so rarely got time to walk, so because ...