Sample Essays

by anonymous
Ranked 8.0

The global popularity of television is undeniable. However, it has its own sinister side. This essay argues in favour of prohibiting television in consideration of the lack of physical activity involved and expensive ...

Should television be prohibited?
by MrX
Ranked 7.55

Much of today's news is shown through television through news channels and the odd advertisement, and for television to be prohibited is to loose the main source of information and entertainment. Having lost the right...

Why Television Should Not Be Banned Course package
by troy g
Ranked 7.0

The growing concern about television in the past decades and its dangers has caused many people to reconsider their decisions about television. However this is an unnecessary change to make, and it will affect many pe...

Course package
by Leighq
Ranked 7.0

Television is could be considered a passive entertainment and should therefore be prohibited. Television has become an big part of our daily lives, offering a variety of entertainment options that cater to many differ...

by anonymous
Ranked 7.0

The global popularity of television is undeniable. However, it has its own sinister side. This essay argues in favour of prohibiting television in consideration of the lack of physical activity involved and expensive ...

Course package
by anonymous
Ranked 7.27

Television Should Be Prohibited Think of all the children that have their eyes glued to a television hardly able to peel themselves away from it. I strongly believe that televisions should be prohibited. Television...

Should television be Allowed Course package
by Nish
Ranked 7.04

“Should Television be allowed”? This is one of the most recent debates that have been going on now and many people don’t know the answer. Television has changed the way our world lives since 1927 (when television was ...

Television Should Be Prohibited
by Vicky
Ranked 6.58

In our technology-saturated world today, a television set is common in many households. However, television has negative effects on the youth population and dominates much time that could have been spent as quality ti...

Television is entertaining Course package
by Thillai Raj Yoganandhan
Ranked 6.0

Televisions are one of the most entertaining inventions of our time. They provide us with an endless array of shows, movies, and documentaries to watch, making it easy to find something for everyone. Whether you're in...

Telly Course package
by Oliver
Ranked 4.58

Television has become popular all over the world; people watch it for information and entertainment. Television should not be prohibited because firstly, it can be informative and secondly, it is calming. Firstly, ...

Television should be prohibited
by anonymous
Ranked 4.03

Televisions are entertaining but distractive.I believe they televisions should be prohibited and here are some of my reasons why. Firstly television should be prohibited because sometimes it can rot your brain a...

Televisions should be prohibited Course package
by JJ

The television is a very popular way of entertainment. However, children can easily get over-obsessed with it. This will then result in lack of physical participation involved. Being stuck to the television can lea...

Why you should have a balance of tv and sedentary behavior
by anonymous

Sitting down, being a couch potato and watching tv all day can be entertaining, but you should also have a balance (At least two hours) of physical activity. These are three things why I think having a balance is good...

Course package
by anonymous

Television should not be banned. Television is a great source of entertainment that everyone likes. If you hate tv and want it banned, you are destroying huge sources of entertainment for everyone. Banning tv will mak...

Should television be prohibited Course package
by haidong Wang

We have utilized television for entertainment, however, there have been doubts about whether it should be used for those purposes. Should television for entertainment be prohibited? Television can be addictive whilst ...

Television should not be Prohibited Course package
by Ralphie

Television should not be prohibited for the reasons of entertainment, education and finally for helping small businesses. With television prohibited many catastrofic action could take place. Television ...

Television, yay or nay? Course package
by Marilin

For It is educational Keep kids occupied News There has been a lot of debate recently if television should be banned or not. I personally believe that television should not be banned because it can be educatio...

by Atul Gupta

Television is entertaining but it is also passive entertainment. Should it be prohibited?Television is entertaining but it is also passive entertainment. Should it be prohibited?Television is entertaining but it is al...

should telvision be prohbited Course package
by anonymous

Recently there has been a huge debate on whether television should be prohibited . Well I certainly think so and here are a few reasons why, It affects your mental and physical health, it is addicting, and has a bad i...

Television is entertaining but it is also passive entertainment. Should it be prohibited?
by Avani

Television is entertaining but it is also passive entertainment. Should it be prohibited? I believe that Television should not be prohibited as it is a from of entertainment, informs and it has a change on education. ...

TV should not be prohibited
by Avaneesh

Tv should not be prohibited because it has amazing entertainment shows and videos Firstly Television is a way to calm down your brain and laugh at funny jokes. Especially for adults because when they come back from...

Course package
by Bryan

It has been largely debated on whether or not television should be prohibited. Television should be prohibited firstly because it is can damage the health of people and secondly because it can lead to time to be waste...

Television should never be allowed to be prohibited. Course package
by Skyler Bui

Television is watched all over the world by billions of different people. Over 95% of these people would consider prohibiting television outrageous because doing so would cause economic problems for many businesses an...

Course package
by Bryan

Television is a popular type of entertainment these days around the globe which leads to the debate whether or not television should be prohibited. Television should be prohibited because it can impact children's beha...

Television Should Be Banned! Course package
by MidnightSky94

Do you think television should be banned? I don't know! I'm on both sides, but I'm more on the banning side. I mean, surely you can watch TV once in a while, but is it necessary? I'll explain why they aren't as import...

Should Television Be Banned? Course package
by MidnightSky94

Do you think television should be banned? I don't know! I'm on both sides, but I'm more on the banning side. I mean, surely you can watch TV once in a while, but is it necessary? I'll explain why! First of all, wat...

Television should not be banned Course package
by Joanne

It is true that elevation is killing eyes but television should not be banned because people have to catch up with the news, people learn stuff and lastly banning people from TV wouldn’t stop them viewing it. Firs...

Should television be prohibited? Course package
by Amelia

Much of today's news is shown through television through news channels and the odd advertisement, and for television to be prohibited is to loose the main source of information and entertainment. Having lost the right...

Should television be prohibited?
by littleKM

Should the television be prohibited? Certainly not. The TV is an important resource for us humans since we watch it all the time. The TV can be important because it is a source of entertainment, nice thing to have aft...

Television Should Be Prohibited! Course package
by anonymous

As the majority of parents know, television can be the root cause of lack of sleep resulting in less concentration at school. It may also cause various health issues ranging from minor to severe cases. Television can ...

Television Should Be Prohibited! Course package
by anonymous

Does your child suffer from television addiction? If so, you know how difficult it can be to get them away from the screen, it can also be a very inappropriate source for growing minds. Television is not just a source...

Course package
by Matilda

I believe that television should definately not be prohibited. I will now talk to you about three very important reasons explaining exactly why television should not be banned. Here they are. Firstly, television is...

Should Television Be Prohibited?
by Tony
Ranked 5.75

Here's a television, there's a television, and there's another television. Televisions are very popular these days because they're amazing and needed. These electronics shouldn't be prohibited because firstly, it's re...

Writing Club
by Cosmos
Ranked 5.0

Whether or not television should be prohibited because it is passive entertainment has been a much debated topic. Television should not be prohibited. Firstly, many people enjoy television and secondly, it means that ...

Writing Club Course package
by anonymous
Ranked 5.25

Television is entertaining but it is also passive entertainment. there has been much debate about whether or not television should be prohibited. Television should not be prohibited because there are educational shows...

Television should not be prohibited Writing Club
by Raje
Ranked 6.0

For more than five decades television has been entertaining people of all ages. Television should not be prohibited. Firstly, television provides entertainment for young and old people. Secondly, television provides i...

Television is entertaining but it is also passive entertainment. Should it be prohibited? Course package
by Eden
Ranked 4.75

It has been much debated as to whether or not television should be prohibited. The television should not be prohibited as firstly, it can help you feel more relaxed and secondly, because it provides entertainment and ...

Television should not be prohibited Writing Club Course package
by Akeek
Ranked 4.25

It has been much debated if watching television should be prohibited or not. Television should not be prohibited because firstly people want to have some rest by watching television. Secondly, for majority of the fami...

Should television be prohibited Course package
by Maryam
Ranked 2.0

Lots of people around the world watch television for leisure and comfort. But these days people are using phones, I- pads and laptops instead. Some people think because these technologies are so advanced that they sho...

TV Should Not be Removed Course package
by Michelle Sim

Many people around the world watch television for leisure. But these days, computers, laptops and smartphones are taking over and making television obsolete. These technologies seem so advance that people are consider...

TV Should Not be Removed Course package
by Michelle Sim

Many people around the world watch television for leisure. But these days, computers, laptops and smartphones are taking over and making television obsolete. These technologies seem so advance that people are consider...

Tv is entertaining should it be removed? Course package
by Allegra Darwin

It has been widely debated as to whether TV should be removed. TV should be removed because firstly it is taking away imagination that could be used in the future and secondly TV is addictive and disturbed children's ...

Should TV be banned? Free
by Sahibz

Television or no Television can change how our world works. With Television our lives don't go anywhere. Our education moves down greatly, our obesity moves up intensely and our body in every way gets hurt. A question...

Sample essay for QUESTION 13 - Should TV be removed? by Aarush Dasyam
by Jack Jones

TVs are entertaining and interactive. Who wouldn't like TV? TV gives you shows and channels to use. Who can watch your favorite movies or episodes on it. Once you back from school and you're tired, wouldn't you sit on...

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