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Sample Essays

by ScarletWitch
Ranked 7.0

Sweat trickled down my palms, and my blood turned to ice as soon as I stepped out of my car. My pale skin turned slightly green and I wrinkled my nose. My parents kicked me out at 18. With no job experience or college...

The new home Writing Club Course package
by Akeek
Ranked 8

Claire sat on the rear seat of a taxi as it drove away from her childhood home. A suitcase filled with notebooks, textbooks and stationery rattled in the trunk as she drove over a speed bump. She instinctively turned ...

Home Course package
by Yana
Ranked 7

Ash stared at the glint of speckled lights strung around the strange trees and houses. It had only been minutes ago that she had been tossing and turning in her bed, staring at the roof in pitch-blackness. Then, the f...

A Home Course package
by Naya

Dazed and confused, I stared at my parents in disbelief. The water level was slowly rising and up and our old mud shack I had witnessed great memories in was slowly fading into history. "Run to the harbour to catch th...

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