Writing Club Videos - Exam Success

Writing Club Videos

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Structure: Storyline Point-of-View

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So you've got your expression and structure down pat. But something's missing in your writing—interest. Want to make your writing more interesting? Learn how to with different points-of-views.
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Structure: What to Avoid

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A creative piece is generally open to any type of writing—and this broad statement can lead some to venture down the route of writing poems and rhyme. Learn what's ok and what to steer clear of in terms of writing structure.
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Structure: What to Emphasise

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If you have many ideas, that's great! But, putting everything you're thinking down on paper isn't the best path to take. This video will teach you how to be selective and figure out what to emphasise and what to disregard.
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Technique: Flashbacks

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Flashbacks are often done in a way that is confusing to the reader. Learn how to use the technique of flashbacks correctly so that you can orient the reader and give them a back-story.
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Technique: Foreshadowing

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Hinting to your readers of what's to come is a way to build excitement and anticipation. Doing it incorrectly will lead to disappointment. This video show you how to successfully use "foreshadowing" in your writing.
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Technique: Symbols

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Symbols can add extraordinary depth and meaning to your story— with just a few words. This video shows you what symbols you can use for your writing and when and where you should ideally use them.
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