Writing Club Videos - Exam Success

Writing Club Videos

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Expression: Meaningful Speech in text

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Does your writing piece consist of dialogue only? If so, it might cause you to lose marks. Should you use speech or dialogue in your creative essay? If so, how much and when should you use it? This video answers these questions (and more).
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Expression: How to show the feeling of sensitivity

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Showing, not telling, is the difference between an average writing piece and a creative writing piece that scores top marks. In this video, you'll learn how to show for a particular emotion: sensitivity
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Expression: Show not Tell (paragraphs)

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Paragraphs convey an overall atmosphere. Learn how to 'show' and not tell when it comes to your paragraphs so that you can create the atmosphere you want for your story.
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Expression: Show not Tell (sentence)

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Sentences are the building blocks of your essay. In this video, learn how to 'show' and not tell when it comes to your sentences so that you can create sentences that are meaningful.
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Expression: How to show the feeling of Anger

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Showing, not telling, is the difference between an average writing piece and a creative writing piece that scores top marks. In this video, you'll learn how to show for a particular emotion: anger.
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Expression: How to show the feeling of Anticipation

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Showing, not telling, is the difference between an average writing piece and a creative writing piece that scores top marks. In this video, you'll learn how to show for a particular emotion: anticipation.
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Expression: How to show the feeling of Disgust

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Showing, not telling, is the difference between an average writing piece and a creative writing piece that scores top marks. In this video, you'll learn how to show for a particular emotion: disgust.
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Expression: How to show the feeling of Envy

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Showing, not telling, is the difference between an average writing piece and a creative writing piece that scores top marks. In this video, you'll learn how to show for a particular emotion: envy.
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Expression: How to show the feeling of Fear

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Showing, not telling, is the difference between an average writing piece and a creative writing piece that scores top marks. In this video, you'll learn how to show for a particular emotion: fear.
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Expression: How to show the feeling of Joy

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Showing, not telling, is the difference between an average writing piece and a creative writing piece that scores top marks. In this video, you'll learn how to show for a particular emotion: joy.
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