10. Exam Strategy

We went through a lot of exam approach in the previous checkpoints so this will just summarise and recap.

  • Getting the correct answer given a passage/s they provide which means that the goal is not to:

    • Learn what the passages are saying (acquiring knowledge).
    • Think deeply about it or try to understand it in detail.
    • Focus on the text.
    • Read the text thoroughly.
    • What do the above three lead to?
    • Time taken
    • Goal diverted.
  • The goal is to:

    • Read efficiently as possible (efficiently means quickly and getting to the point without wasting time).
    • Find the main point.
    • Use on-balance keywords
    • Focus on selecting the right answer.

There's a particular approach I apply when answering reading comprehension questions. The approach is:

  1. Look at the passage – what type is it (<1 sec)
  2. Read the question/s first. Why? (check out the video above if you haven't done so already).
  3. Read the passage quickly, identifying the areas that relate to your question.
  4. Do keyword/sentence checks and check them against your question.

    1. Use an on-balance approach.
  5. Look at the answer options, evaluate against each other and then choose your answer – elimination is often involved.

Simple tips

  • Don't worry about complicated language – usually passages are about simple ideas – translate it in your own words to help with understanding.
  • Don't waste time re-reading parts you don't understand – move to answer the question which is what counts.
  • Don't read to slowly.
  • Only spend the time allocated.

Now it's time to do your assignment.

  1. Download the assignment question here.
  2. Print it out or if you want to do it electronically, save it.
  3. Complete the questions to it.
  4. Then check the solutions on the video below or download the ANSWER KEY here.

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