1. How to ACE Abstract Reasoning/Non-Verbal Reasoning Tests

What is abstract reasoning?

Abstract reasoning is different from other reasoning type questions because it involves reasoning to do with images. While abstract reasoning is not as 'hard' as people think it to be, it is different as images comprise of a number of different components such as:

  • Transformation of shapes
  • Direction and position within space
  • Colours
  • Size
  • Superimposition
  • Angel transformation
  • Number patterns

All of these need to be evaluated in the context finding the "pattern that exists" to then get to the answer.

How to ACE your abstract reasoning test

You may sit an abstract reasoning test with other tests as part of a larger exam or sit the test as an individual stand-alone one. Whichever way, there are some things you'll need to do to ACE it.

  1. Pattern detection - this is the basis of the course to help you find the pattern. Remember, the pattern is there. It's your job to find it.

For every reasoning question there are 2 overarching steps you need to take:

  1. Trying to uncover the underlying pattern.
  2. Applying that pattern to find the answer.

This is a process I encourage you to take:

  • Prepare before the exam.
  • Read the question and identify the type of question and decide whether you can do it within your set time or skip.
  • Find crucial information to answer the question.
  • Work out the pattern / question using the answer options as hints and eliminate options to help you.
  • Select the answer.

The key thing to remember with abstract reasoning is that it is logic and there is a definite right answer that will:

  • Evidently hold true and
  • Can be applied to other instances.

This is what I mean (check out the video for workings)


The time limit

In many exams, you'll need to race through and answer question after question. Many people worry about this but the key thing to remember is not how many you complete. It's how many you get right.

Here's your time strategy:

  1. Read the question quickly and decide whether it is a question you can complete quickly.
  2. If yes, then complete. If no, then move on and come back to it later.
  3. For any remaining questions at the end (30 seconds left), complete it if you can, or guess - Option B or C is often the most likely correct answer because there could be a chance that you could select the correct option by chance.

Note: Some students have been advised that they should leave the question blank rather than guessing. Unless you lose marks for incorrect answers, our advice is to guess.

It's important to note that you should not spend more than your planned time per question. Every second that you spend on figuring out that question could have been spent getting another 2-4 correct.

Common mistakes

What are the pitfalls when it comes to abstract reasoning exams with a time limit?

  • Taking too long to answer a question.
  • Reading the question incorrectly.
  • Not having a strategy or an approach.

The key thing to remember with abstract reasoning is that it is logic and there is a definite right answer. For all questions, you should have the 'Ah-Ha' moment when you've found the correct answer because there is a logical link back.

What you'll learn in this course

In this course, we help you establish the logical links for each type of abstract reasoning question and understand the range of patterns better so you can approach questions systematically to confidently taken them in the exam.

This course will go through the ways in which you can detect visual patterns to make answering abstract reasoning questions easier.

You’ll learn how to strategically look at questions and you’ll have a wide scope of strategies at your disposal so that you can go through them in an exam to help you detect the underlying pattern.

In particular, we’ll explore the following areas in more detail:

  • Critical Test Strategies
  • Direction
  • Position
  • Rotation
  • Size
  • Colours
  • Angles
  • Superimposition
  • Transformations
  • Tricky pattern types & approaching "odd one out" questions
  • Inverse
  • Flips
  • Stacks
  • Ordering
  • Letters in patterns
  • Numbers in patterns

This may seem like a lot but we'll work through these slowly and you can always go back to different areas and review checkpoints as many times as you want.

Practice time!

Now, it's your turn to practice.

The questions in this checkpoint are provided to give you an introduction to possible questions you may see in your exam. Don't worry too much as you'll continue to build your skills throughout the course.

Click on the button below and start your practice questions. We recommend doing untimed mode first, and then, when you're ready, do timed mode.

Every question has two solutions videos after you complete the question. The first is a quick 60 second video that shows you how our expert answers the question quickly. The second video is a more in-depth 5-steps or less explainer video that shows you the steps to take to answer the question. It's really important that you review the second video because that's where you'll learn additional tips and tricks.

Once you're done with the practice questions, move on to the next checkpoint.

Now, let’s get started on your practice questions.

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